

2012年08月17日 短消息 评论 1 条 阅读 5,498 次

uTorrent的母公司BitTorrent前几日在官方论坛宣布将发布免费版无法关闭广告的新的客户端,详情点击:这里 。此消息一出,官方论坛一片讨伐声,特别是从uTorrent未收购前就使用并支持它的很多用户。这也令BitTorrent的管理员们很是尴尬。于是、终于他们还是承诺免费用户也可以自主选择关闭广告了。这一切都是何必呢......


I understand you all have plenty of reason to be very cynical of companies in general and skeptical of my refrain in particular: that we are listening. In that context, and after much discussion, I want to provide more substance behind my words by revealing some specifics of our plans.

1) 3.0 and "bloat"

As some of you know, we have listened – Firon, myself, developers, others - to those of you distressed over the past many months about what you consider bloat in 3.0.

Response: In the past six months, the team has been dedicated to everything BUT new features. And no new features are planned. Instead you've gotten improvements to existing features, bug fixes and performance improvements, which I've named previously.

New information: We will be removing Apps in a near-future release because they've not been a success among our user base worldwide. Similarly, we will evaluate other existing features. We know that not every one of our features is a success, and our goal is to ship a slim base product with only those features users like and use.

Beyond this, we hear the calls among many of you for a µ that is smaller and meaner than the current µ. Something like 1.6, 2.0 or similar. Over the past year, we’ve discussed various paths to getting there and are taking this request seriously.

2) On the new client offers

We hear all of your concerns and comments. And from the very first post, I said we would listen and adjust as needed.

Response: This being an experiment, we’ve previously discussed whether or not to provide an offer opt-out. Given your feedback, we’ve decided to go ahead with this in the upcoming version. Each of you will have the opportunity to see and experience offers for yourselves. If you don’t like what you
see, simply opt out entirely.

Having said that, we stand behind offers as a reasonable trade-off to providing our users with valuable, free software, and we will continue to pursue them. Our goal is, frankly, to provide a better experience than we do with our current offer mix. Of course this is not an overnight change.

Thanks to everybody who offered their feedback, and to those who stuck around to work with us constructively and faithfully throughout this process. Your feedback has been

Product management, BitTorrent



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  1. droems

    谢谢 广告真的很烦人


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