
eMule 0.50a Beta2

2010年03月20日 eMule 评论 4 条 阅读 398 次

eMule官方开发团队再次放出了eMule 0.50a Beta2版本,相信正式版本的发布日期已经越来越近了。在官方版本发布后,各大MOD都会逐步整合代码,发布新程序。xtreme的现任开发者zz_fly也透露,会很快跟进官方的0.50a正式版,推出新的程序。不知道,这一次,NeoMule的作者会不会跟进一下呢?

eMule 0.50a Beta2下载


  • eMule 0.50a BETA2
  • Updated MiniUPnPlib to the latest version
    The download commands toolbar now handles closing by pressing the X while in floating mode properly
    The icons of the download commands toolbar are now properly drawn gray if disabled on WinXP and older Windows versions
  • The new Windows7 taskbar features will no longer vanish when minimizing eMule to the system tray
    Updated libpng to the latest version
    The lables of the download commands toolbar are now properly adjusted immediately when switching to another language
    The archive preview tab has now a context menu to update the contents as replacement for the "Update" button
    Fixed a bug in handling part.met files which could cause corrupted parts if eMule paused the file due to insufficient diskspace
    Fixed a small visual glitch when resizing the shared files list while the new tabs were hidden
    fixed minor memleak in kad keyword storing [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
  • Fixed the background color of the new Kad graph if custom themes/colors are enabled
    eMule now selects the default color of the system icon tray speedbar depending on the color of your taskbar icon area, to avoid show a dark/bright bar on a dark/bright background
    Fixed a crashbug in the new download commands toolbar (this bug was responsible for nearly all crashes you might have seen in Beta1).
    Active searches are now automatically shown in the new Kad graph by default and eMule remembers the setting (can be siwtched in the contextmenu of the graph)
    Fixed a small bug with itemdeletion when closing eMule [JvA]
    Fixed a small bug regarding Kad search tolerance [Famerlor]

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  1. Jelly


    • 这个应该不会改了,功能特性上不会有什么太大的变化的。

  2. once375ml


    0.49c 倒是刚搞定,添加了一点点自己喜欢的使用功能,在添加client percentage时卡主了


    • @once375ml, 致敬! 🙂


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