
eMule Morphxt 0.50A 12.5

2010年10月24日 eMule 评论 3 条 阅读 218 次

著名的eMule MorphXT 今日更新了新的版本:eMule Morphxt 0.50A 12.5 ,本次更新主要是修正BUG,提高MorphXT的可用性。MorphXT系列MOD显著的特点是强大的上传能力,对于上传功能的处理非常强悍,比如强力共享功能、传播条、甚至可以设置文件块传输多少倍后自动隐藏等等。



Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.5
CHANGE: Increased space for displaying number of clients on queue [Stulle]
CHANGE: Place news feeds dir in config base dir instead of executable dir [Stulle]
CHANGE: Rewrote drawing code of ServerListCtrl like official in other lists [Stulle]
+ fixes some bugs (e.g. auto resize on dbl click) and adds functionality
FIX: + not showing before "All Directories" in SharedDirsTreeCtrl [Stulle]
+ rewrote passing of params for inserting the item for VS10
FIX: Server icon not drawn in ServerWndCtrl [Stulle]
FIX: Compilation of zlib and IP2Country on Visual Studio 2003 SP1 [Stulle]
FIX: Display errors around Category tabs/buttons on Windows XP [Stulle]
FIX: Display errors around closeable (search result) tabs on Windows XP [Stulle]
FIX: Possible crash around Equal Chances For Each file in UploadListCtrl [Stulle]
FIX: PartFileFlushThread was not terminated properly in all cases [WiZaRd]
FIX: Sorting of score column in DownloadClientsCtrl was partially broken [TimDzang]
FIX: Collection double extension fix was rendered useless [CB]
FIX: Possible bug around FlushBuffersExceptionHandler(CFileException* error) [WiZaRd]
FIX: Connection Wizard did not start after being selected in 1stTimeWizard [Stulle]
REMOVED: Official ul/dl ratio restrictions (entirely handled by ZZ ratio now) [Stulle]


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  1. feathia


    • @feathia, 50a的mod我也只在一台机器上装的xtreme。

  2. 信誉导购



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