
eMule MorphXT 0.50a v12.0

2010年04月26日 eMule 评论 6 条 阅读 652 次

eMule MorphXT 基于官方0.50a的新版本发布了。MorphXT系列MOD显著的特点是强大的上传能力,对于上传功能的处理非常强悍,比如强力共享功能、传播条、甚至可以设置文件块传输多少倍后自动隐藏等等。很多资源分享爱好者选择MorphXT系列的mod作为资源发布首先。另一主要mod系列的xtreme 8.0版本也正在内测中,相信不久就会与eMule爱好者们见面了。



  • Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0
  • Merged to 0.50a [Stulle]
    CHANGE: update libping to 1.41 [Stulle]
    ADD: Visual Studio 2008 project files and solution [Stulle]
    ADD: ATL Server code for VS2008 compilation [Stulle]
    ADD: Settings removed from official eMule to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
    ADD: Some more Tooltips for the preferences [Stulle]
    ADD: Icon for "Pause when preview possible" menu entry [Stulle]
    ADD: Find menu and OnLvnGetDispInfo to History list [zz_fly]
    ADD: Queue progress bar in Webserver (not in Light) [unknown/Stulle]
    ADD: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer [unknown/Stulle]
    ADD: Option to restrict user from downloading files via multiuser webserver [Stulle]
    ADD: Option to set level of optimization for NTService [Stulle]
    ADD: Some more optimizations for NTService [Stulle]
    ADD: Localization for NTService logging [Stulle]
    ADD: Adjustable NT Service Strings [Stulle]
    ADD: Fakealyzer [netfinity]
    ADD: Display progress percentage for chunk details and sort chunk details by them [Stulle]
    + Note: This might cause weird results if client switches requested chunks or
    does not download blocks sequentially.
    ADD: Chunk details column in DownloadClientsListCtrl [SiRoB/JvA (idea)/Stulle]
    ADD: Possibility to directly add incoming of removed cat to shared folders [Stulle]
    ADD: New preferences.ini-only settings to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
    CHANGE: Disable FollowTheMajority if file is renamed in Shared Files Dialog [Stulle]
    CHANGE: General settings dialog has been revised to achieve original layout [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToHexString [netfinity]
    CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToBinaryString [netfinity]
    CHANGE: Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd]
    CHANGE: Improved filetype sorting in History list [zz_fly]
    CHANGE: Improved reading of Webserver template [Stulle]
    CHANGE: User priviliges for multiuser Webserver [Stulle]
    + Guest: Viewing information from webinterface
    + Operator: Adding/Removing downloads and according to other settings
    + Admin: Like Operator plus privilege to close eMule
    + Hi-Admin: Like Admin plus privilege to shutdown/reboot windows
    CHANGE: Improved Failed Login Screen and Login Screen of Webserver [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved UPnP info display [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved setting of the preferences window title for tabbed Webserver panel [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Sort client progressbars by percentage finished [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Stretch chunk always to column width for chunk details [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved upload state sorting for additional information [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Improved sorting for Download State in ClientListCtrl [TAHO]
    CHANGE: Allow searching for client name via key strokes in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
    + started searching at A4AF info until now
    CHANGE: Set read-only instead of system attribute for custom incoming/temp dir [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Allow incoming folder of default cat to be customized [Stulle]
    CHANGE: Partly updated Bad Mod List (DLP v41, mainly Asian leechers) [zz_fly]
    FIX: Properly localize some Advanced Preferences (official) [Stulle]
    FIX: (Official) Only resolve hostnames for downloads if partfile found [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Don't publish incomplete small files [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Possibly crash fix on ShowComment [WiZaRd]
    FIX: (Official) Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd]
    FIX: Display all time requests in History list [zz_fly]
    FIX: Some bugs in the Webserver templates [Stulle]
    FIX: Bad login handling for Webserver [Stulle]
    FIX: multiSort in Search List [Xman]
    FIX: Localization of tabs in Webserver panel [Stulle]
    FIX: Don't reset Connection Settings without reason [Stulle]
    FIX: TxtEditor option in Advanced Preferences [Stulle]
    FIX: Wrong custom folder icon was displayed [Stulle]
    FIX: CRC32 recalculate commando in SharedFilesWnd did not work properly [Stulle]
    FIX: Setting HideOS for files was cancled when setting remained unchanged for one file [Stulle]
    FIX: Minor display bug around default for PowerShare limit [Stulle]
    FIX: Min Upload setting triggered nagging popup when Upload Capacity set to 1 kB/s [Stulle]
    FIX: Setting appropriate settings for NTservice did not work properly [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Microsoft Windows Media Format 11 SDK for MS VS2005 build (redundant) [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Official changes for high upload speed in favor for more advanced MorphXT code [Stulle]
    REMOVED: New official Ask-On-Exit Dialog in favor of Morph's one (NTService) [Stulle]
    REMOVED: "MorphXT 9.7" workaround [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Unusued ressource strings [Stulle]
    REMOVED: AppleJuice detection [Xman/Anonymous Anti-Leecher]
    REMOVED: ZZUL addition that sometimes caused crashes on receiving OP_FILESTATUS [Stulle]
    REMOVED: Dupe USS settings in Extended settings panel [Stulle]
  • Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [Heaven]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
    Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Idro182/Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
    Dutch [leuk_he]; Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [guijarrelson/Rajil]

6 条留言  访客:0 条  博主:0 条

  1. feathia

    CHANGE: Partly updated Bad Mod List (DLP v41, mainly Asian leechers) [zz_fly]

    现在的MORPH 已经不怕迅雷了。

    • @feathia, 对不支持dlp的mod,还是不喜欢,ma不知道会不会有人接手。

      • killsophia

        @靖, MA冰灵一直在合并SDC

  2. forex robot

    Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!

  3. 陈佳


    • @陈佳, 嗯,Mephisto就是典型的整合xt与mx上传管理功能的集大成者,neo驾驭起来还是难度高了些。


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