
emule0.49c-X-Ray v1.7发布

2009年07月19日 eMule 评论 8 条 阅读 511 次




X-Ray MOD 1.7

Type     | Idea        | Source/Edit    | Description                                     | Used Tag
Add    | Stulle    | Mephisto/JvA    | Added drop blocking clients                            | // X-Ray :: SlotControl
Add    | JvA        | JvA        | Added gap support for Part Status Bar of Shared Parts Feature            | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Add    | SiRoB        | MorphXT    | Bypass ICS when preview chunks should be downloaded first            | // X-Ray :: ICS
Fix    | JvA        | JvA        | Fixed minor roundering bug around slotspeed                    | // X-Ray :: SlotControl
Fix    | Tuxman    | JvA        | Fixed minor crashbug around SharedParts on Single-File Sharing        | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Fix    | morph4u    | morph4u    | Fixed minor preferences bug around statistics tree update delay

X-Ray MOD 1.7 RC1

Type     | Idea        | Source/Edit    | Description                                     | Used Tag
Merge    |        |        | Merged to 49c Codebase
Update    | Xman        | zz_fly    | Minor Update of Antileech.dll - Version 6
Update    |        |        | Updated Crypto++ code to v5.6.0 (15/03/2009)                    | // X-Ray :: NewCrypto++
Update    |        |        | Updated MiniUPnP code to v1.3 (17/04/2009)
Update    | xrmb        | JvA        | Reworked Shared-Parts feature due to shareable file class            | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Feature    | xrmb        | Xtreme/Stulle    | FunnyNick                                    | // X-Ray :: FunnyNick
Add    | eMule+/JvA    | JvA        | Added Part Status Bar to Shared Parts Feature                    | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Add    | JvA/WiZaRd    | WiZaRd/JvA    | Added Fincan Hash detection to Argos (enabled by default)            | // X-Ray :: Argos
Add    | Official    | Stulle    | Added RAR support for IPFilter Update                        | // X-Ray :: IPFilterUpdate
Change    | JvA        | JvA        | Minor adjustments of the owing upload data amount calculation            | // X-Ray :: FullChunk
Change    | JvA        | JvA        | HTTP-Download Progressbar style is now the same as in the Shared Files Window    | // X-Ray :: NewHTTPProgressbar
Change    | JvA        | JvA        | Several enhancements and changes around Transfer Window (disable list etc.)    | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Change    | WiZaRd    | JvA        | Altered IntelliFlush to use official FileBufferTimeLimit prefences.ini option    | // X-Ray :: IntelliFlush
Change    | jerryBG    | jerryBG    | Minor changes around vertical Countryflag Alignment                | // X-Ray :: IP2Country
Change    | JvA        | JvA        | Now the known clients count in Transfer-Wnd counts instead of beeing static    | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Change    | Aw3/eMule+    | eMule+    | Minor changes around value saving to preferences.ini (faster method)        | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Fix    | gomez82    | gomez82    | Fixed major argos bug that caused that all X-Ray clients were modthiefs    | // X-Ray :: Argos
Fix    | JvA        | JvA        | Fixed minor crash bug around SharedParts feature                | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Fix    | Tuxman    | JvA        | Fixed minor draw bug around ClientDetailDialog                | // X-Ray :: RedesignedClientDetailDlg
Fix    | Tuxman    | JvA        | Fixed minor draw bug around Sourcecache Column in DownloadListCtrl        | // X-Ray :: Sourcecache
Fix    | JvA        | JVA        | Fixed minor cosmetic bug on saving SLS clients                | // X-Ray :: SLS
Fix    | morph4u    | morph4u    | Fixed minor bug on saving Argos preferences (Plain AntiNickThief wasn't saved)| // X-Ray :: Argos
Fix    | Rapid_Mule    | Rapid_Mule    | Fixed minor bug around Argos Nickchanger detection                | // X-Ray :: Argos
Fix    | morph4u/WiZaRd| JvA        | Fixed minor crash bug around SearchResult DetailDialog            | // X-Ray :: NewFileDetailDialog
Fix    | JvA        | JvA        | Fixed possible crashes around Credit-pointer                    | // X-Ray :: SuperiorClientHandling
Fix    | JvA        | JvA        | Fixed minor PBF display bug around Uploadlist                    | // X-Ray :: SuperiorClientHandling
Fix    | JvA        | JvA        | Fixed minor bug around MassRename that could result in an endless loop    | // X-Ray :: MassRename
Fix    | Stulle    | MorphXT    | Fixed minor bug around SharedFilesCtrl that could result in an endless loop
Fix    | moloko+    | MorphXT    | Fixed minor sorting bug in SharedFilesCtrl
Fix    | morph4u    | morph4u    | Fixed minor bug around FileFeedback (forgot one codeline...stupid me)        | // X-Ray :: Filefeedback
Fix    | morph4u    | JvA        | Fixed major bug around Simple Cleanup -> Simple Cleanup was not working    | // X-Ray :: MassRename
Fix    | Stulle    | Stulle    | Fixed minor bug around Downloading via Webserver
Fix    | WiZaRd    | WiZaRd    | Fixed memleak around RollupCtrl                        | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Fix    | WiZaRd    | WiZaRd    | Fixed major crash around SysInfo on Vista                    | // X-Ray :: Statusbar
Fix    | JvA        | JvA        | Fixed memleak around Global Hardlimit                        | // X-Ray :: Global Hardlimit
Fix    | JvA        | WiZaRd    | Fixed memleak around SimpleCleanup                        | // X-Ray :: MassRename
Fix    | Tuxman/WiZaRd    | JvA        | Fixed minor unicode bug around Categries if non-unicode Logfont was selected
Fix    | Tuxman    | JvA        | Fixed bug around Friends - Friends were not correctly recognized in some cases
Fix    | Crimson    | Stulle    | Fixed minor bug on IP-Filter update                        | // X-Ray :: IPFilterUpdate
FiX    | WiZaRd    | WiZaRd    | Fixed minor ID3lib buffer overflow
Remove    | Tuxman    | JvA        | Removed some more redundant official code around Transfer Window Style    | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Remove    | SiRoB        | MorphXT    | Removed redundant Optimization around List Controls due to 49c merge        | // X-Ray :: Optimizations
Remove    | JvA        | WiZaRd    | Removed redundant buggy fix for filtertext update on language change        | // X-Ray :: FiXeS

8 条留言  访客:0 条  博主:0 条

  1. mumuou

    长期用这个骡子,就是现在没有人推广了,对ADSL用户特别好,上传相当稳定~~~ 😛

  2. @mumuou
    嗯,很不错的mod,用的少可能是觉得界面不太容易适应吧 😛

  3. Jelly

    最近很想试试这一款骡子,不知它的Save Last Request和XT的SLS有什么不同

    • 使用效果还可以,上传能力很强,功能倒是没有scar这样的mod多,主要是界面不是很适应^^

  4. Jelly

    吓死我了 😯
    天使嘛,白色或银灰色比较合适,也不知道怎么改,忍了 😥

    • scar支持换皮肤的,这里的emule工具包里有一个皮肤集合包,30款emule的皮肤,你可以选一个试试。

      • realnabarl


        • 可以的,有些皮肤自行了托盘区图标,有些没有的,可以替换下。


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