
eMule 0.49c SharkX v1.6

2009年07月19日 eMule 评论 3 条 阅读 365 次

emuleeMule 0.49c SharkX整合了其它mod的一些优秀特性,内置了新型的吸血骡屏蔽机制,而并非使用常见的dlp,实际使用效果却不尽理想,也正因为此,SharkX在国内的用户较少,相关讨论也不广泛。点击进入下载页

Client Analyzer (WiZaRd)
full Safe Hash implementation (SLUGFILLER)
Flush Thread (SiRoB)
Fix corrupted download (SR13 / SiRoB)
Anti Upload Protection (sFrQlXeRt)
Safe KAD (Netfinity)
Anti Fake-IP (WiZaRd)
Don't allow file hot swapping (Maella/Xanatos)
CorruptionBlackBoxFix (Xanatos)
Horde op-codes (Netfinity)
Fake Analyzer (Netfinity)
Optimized Multi CS (Official + Anti Shape (Netfinity), Xtreme, MagicAngel, Lovelace, Pawcio, EastShare, ClientAnalyzer) (Stulle + taz)
Optional Fine CS (Stulle)
extend credits (Xman)
better passive source finding (Xman)
Source Cache (Xman)
retry connection attempts (Xman)
power release (Xman)
Xtreme UPNP (Xman)
Advanced download throttling (Netfinity)
delayed NNP (Netfinity)
Drop stalled downloads (Netfinity)
Fix connection collision (SiRoB)
require obfuscated server connection (leuk_he)
Emulate others (Spike2)
AutoHL (WiZaRd)
drop system (Stulle)
Smart Category Control (khaos/SiRoB/Stulle)
"embedded" (always on) SUQWT (Stulle)
"embedded" (always on) Automatic shared files updater (MoNKi/Stulle)
addon-directory (EMF)
ed2k & IPfilter updates (EMF)
Intelliflush (WiZaRd)
DBR (Netfinity)
Anti fragmenting (Netfinity)
CPU and RAM info added to transferwindow
added a separate preferences file (SharkX)
new mod version system (WiZaRd)
Easy Mod Version (WiZaRd)
Winsock2-support - (eWombat)
Aux-Ports-support - (lugdunummaster)
Smart Low ID check - (Maella)
SLS - (enkeyDEV+WiZaRd)
ICS - (enkeyDEV+WiZaRd)
Publish small incomplete files (Spike2+WiZaRd)
tabbed prefs - (TPT)
Show Queue Difference - (itsonlyme)
IP2Country - (Eastshare/iONiX)
minRQR - (WiZaRd)
Clip Stat support (WiZaRd/Spike2/shdow2004/JvA)
Don't send empty dirs - (WiZaRd)
Infinite Queue - (SLUGFILLER)
ModIcon - (BlueSonicBoy)
Startup Sound (Commander)
static ip filter (Stulle)
dir vista officla fix (godlaugh2007)
Kad Interface Improvement (Xanatos)
KadBootStrap + UpdateNodesDat (Xanatos) + KAD Guard v2 (taz)
Extended control download priority based (tommy_gun - iONiX/Stulle/taz)
Reward rare chunk uploaders (netfinity/taz)
Open Incoming folder from systray (taz)
Download color (taz)
Optionnal funnynick display (SiRoB)
version & beta checks (WiZaRd/Stulle/taz)
taz dynamic ratio :
ratio enforcement - auto off (Stulle idea)
session ratio for uploaders - auto on (taz)

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